Malcolm Menzies and his 82mm Library

Suzi Davis Wednesday 18th November 2020

2020 has been a year of change for everyone. For some, as lockdown 1 ground daily normality to a halt, opportunities arose with newly found time and space. One of our favourite location owners took the chance this shift provided to expand and create new work projects to create 82mm library.

As lockdown took hold, Malcolm Menzies, interior and homes photographer and owner of Foxgrove Road used his time productively. Gathering all his photographic house stories, features and images, he organised them all into a beautiful visual library.

When deciding what to call his library, it was a simple decision for Malcolm.
“I called it 82mm library, as it’s an extension of my photography website 82mm. I’ve had the domain 82mm for nearly twenty years, as I was born in 82 and my initials are MM. It also sounds like a camera lens!”

82mm library now gives Malcolm a great way to organise and showcase his work for magazine editors. It also enables his European picture agency Living Inside to sell stories into magazines all over the world.
Each home within the library is beautifully presented to showcase the features available within a property.

As a regular photographer at a number of Light Locations, several of our properties feature in Malcolm’s library. With renovations, stunning features or a back story, many naturally have an alluring tale to tell.

Ham House on 82mm

With the help of the 82mm library, Ham House the contemporary barn in the Wiltshire countryside drew the attention of Elle Decoration Country. The magazine utilised the story to feature the heartfelt tale behind the barn. Entitled ‘The barn that friendship built’ a narrative unravels about an escape from London, a stunning barn renovation and the launch by a pair of like-minded friends of interior brand Hue Home.

Eden Hall on 82mm

The pretty brick and flint cottage on the Norfolk coast is a bolthole retreat owned by Plum and Ashby founder Vicky White and her husband Chris Ling. A stone’s throw from the beach, Eden Hall is a welcome retreat from busy life. This story of a coastal getaway extensively renovated to create a dreamy haven is portrayed beautifully in Malcolm’s library.

Foxgrove House on 82mm

One of the house stories on 82mm library is Malcolm’s own house and photoshoot location, the stunningly beautiful Foxgrove Road. Presented as a family story, his images provide a wonderful insight into what living here feels like.

Malcolm and his wife Fiona are talented house renovators, and their home has gone through extensive and regular updates. 82mm library showcases one of these inspiring changes courtesy of a bathroom story, illustrating the modern industrial makeover with several before and after images.

2020 has been the strangest year, and it’s lovely to see how Malcolm has the time to keep his work moving forward. We don’t doubt for a moment that 2021 will see more from this inspirational interior photographer and all-around creative.

Suzi Davis

Suzi Davis