Sophie Hitchens

Sophie Hitchens


Turning Our Dream into a Reality

Sophie Hitchens Tuesday 12th September 2017

As a location agency, light and space are unsurprisingly very important to us. We value the way the environment in which we work affects our mood. We always had a big dream to own the place in which we work from, so that we could truly define its identity. Unfortunately that often means the journey to find ‘the dream location’ can be a long one! For us, our needs were further driven by needing to house not one, but two businesses – Light Locations and Design by Timber which is run by my husband, Tim.

Our search seemed endless as we did not want to be in a town on an industrial estate and wanted something different in the countryside. Just as our euthusiasm began to fade, fate decided to step in and one day an email from an estate agent dropped into my in-box. We hadn’t even realised we had signed up to their mailing list! On paper, the premises looked to be exactly what we wanted so we quickly organised a viewing and put in an offer within the day, which was accepted! We took a huge risk that we would get planning to build an extension that would be needed to house Light Locations! Thankfully, the risk paid off and work began in March 2016.

The building work took longer than expected as all building projects seem to!  However, most of the extra time was due to positive and exciting changes along the way. As the space took shape, I began to see new options and potential for the space. The extension, which was built to house Light Locations evolved into such a beautiful space that we decided to make it a flexible space and offer it as a venue/shoot location too.

All the building work lasted a year, it was hard work but worth it now the builders are all gone and we can now enjoy the space. It feels amazing to work in our own space and provide a lovely working environment for the people that work for us and we feel it has given Light Locations and Design by Timber space to grow and prosper!

Sophie Hitchens

Sophie Hitchens