As another year begins, many of our location owners, clients, suppliers and friends will be turning over the first page of their new Light Locations calendar. For many years now, we’ve been designing and producing our own calendar filled with elegant and inspiring images of our Light Locations.
What began as a small idea has become an annual labour of love. So much hard work is put into producing this beautiful gift that we wanted to say a little thank you to all the people involved.
Our fantastic website designers at Unstuck Design always undertake the design process with me for the Light Locations calendar.
The process always begins with a brainstorm between Bexi from Unstuck and myself and this year we decided to come up with a slightly different format and came up with a design in our first meeting, which was a great start! We then spend around a month or so choosing photos, editing artwork, thinking about packaging, stickers, labels, cards and costs. Bexi becomes an invaluable part of my team over this time and I pretty much speak to her every day. I love working with her and I owe her a huge thank you!
The tricky part always begins when choosing the 12 images to feature. We know location owners are always very excited to be featured, and we’d love to include all of our locations.
But we only have a limited number we can pick and a set of guidelines for the imagery format and the look we are trying to achieve. So it’s impossible to include all of our beautiful locations. But thanks to our new photographer/stylist team Dan and Sara, from The Contented Nest, we had so much beautiful photography to choose from for the most recent calendar.
For the 2022 calendar, we decided to change the design to make it more eco conscious. This year the calendar has cards which can be recycled once they have served their purpose and a reusable stand for next years calendar!
We asked my husband’s business Design by Timber to make a reusable stand, and they have done a great job of creating a simple but beautiful stand made from ash. And it’s been lovely to have the Design By Timber boys involved. Thanks, boys.
Once the calendar design is complete, we have to print it which is always a nerve racking time for me as I always have such a clear idea of what I want, I always hope it lives up to my expectations!
For the 2022 calendar, we used a new local printing company called Colourview Print Solutions. We’ve forged a great working relationship with them, and they have been amazing and hugely patient with me, dithering over proofs! Thank you, Colourview.
Katie, Nicola, Madeleine and Chloe are always an enormous support and I couldn’t do it without them. They listen to my ideas, give me advice, look out for typos, check through the all important dates each year and basically keep me grounded when the timescales are looming.
We typically begin the process in November when I think, ‘Help it’s nearly the end of the year and I need to get thinking about another calendar!’. This invariably means we never quite get it out in time for Christmas. But this year, we were determined. So with the help of everyone in the office, we started thinking about it much earlier. As a result, the calendars were packaged up and sent out in early December, ready for the new year.
(Thank you, team, for all your support – especially Katie for her sharp eyes!)
If you’ve received your Light Locations calendar, we hope you like it. And if you weren’t on the list but you’d like to receive one, pop us an email and we will get one wrapped up and in the post to you!