Sophie Hitchens

Sophie Hitchens


The Top Five Inspiring Locations?

Sophie Hitchens Friday 11th March 2016

The homes, buildings and outdoor spaces that we work with at Light Locations are clearly very inspiring – you only need to take a look at our Pinterest boards to see how often people take inspiration from the array of interior and exterior design ideas.

So which location is THE most inspiring? Can anyone pick just one?

In the Light Locations office we thought we’d try it… and surprise surprise we couldn’t agree! So we’ve put together our top list of inspiring locations

The Chicken Shed

Madeleine chose one of our newest Locations – the contemporary cedar clad former chicken shed in Wales.

“I’ve very recently visited our new location, The Chicken Shed and I loved it! It looks small from the outside but once you step inside the space opens out to this beautiful mix of simple interior design and amazing views (although unfortunately, it was a wet welsh day when we went so couldn’t quite see all of the views). The building also has underfloor heating which I’d have in every room in my house if I could. The most amazing Welsh cakes that the owner made us were also pretty inspiring!!

Ross Road, Basement

Suzi chose the self-contained basement of a huge Victorian house in South Norwood:

“There is something breathtaking about the simplicity of the kitchen area. We have been trying to redesign our kitchen for about 18 months and we don’t get very far as we aren’t entirely sure what we want. Every time I try to plan it, I keep coming back to the photos at Ross Road and think ‘that is the look I am trying to achieve”

Albourne House

Sophie loves the Georgian Rectory in West Sussex with its beautiful main living room, period features and stunning modern kitchen:

“My absolute present favourite location is Albourne House. It’s so beautiful but cosy at the same time. I love the kitchen and main living room. I always feel inspired when I go there and always come away with real house envy!

Hawkhurst House

Nicola chose the stunning farmhouse with contemporary timber clad extension in Kent

“ I really love the contemporary extension to the main house. Its a lovely light and spacious area for family time”

The Audience Favourite

So that makes our favourite 4, leaving space for one more – which one would you add to make it the top 5?

Sophie Hitchens

Sophie Hitchens